CNA Challenge Bootcamp

When you invest in our CNA Prep course, we give you access to the best materials out there so you can pass the written exam and practice skills test the very first time. We will mentor you until you pass your exam. Er are here for you and provide the tools you need to succeed.

How much a CNA can make?

  • According to the U.S. Census Bureau of Labor Statistics, CNAs in Florida, on average, earn about $33,390.00/year, if not in Florida (check for your state accordingly)

Will I find Employment easily as a CNA?

  • Employment for certified nursing assistants is projected to grow up to 4 percent from 2022 to 2032, and it is considered to be as fast as the average for all occupations. In addition, the state of Florida is known for being one of the most popular retirement states, contributing to a substantial demand for CNAs.

LPN/RN Review Bootcamp

Our LPN/RN Reviews equip you to have the best quality for patient care, we offer you valuable insights into the day to day responsibilities and challenges of the job

Our workshops focus on solidify fundamental nursing knowledge, ensuring that you have a strong understanding of key concepts and skills necessary for the roles, most importantly pass the test the very first time. 

How much a LPN/RN can make?

  • The average annual salary for LPNs in Florida is around $44,000 to $52,000, depending on exact location, employer and experience. For RNs, it is approximately $60,000 to $75,000, varies as well.

Where can I work as a LPN/RN?

  • As a LPN/RN, your can find employment in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities and home healthcare agencies. It is always encouraged to forward your education with specialized skills for even better placements and career growth opportunities.

“Thanks to Alive Multi Services, I've found a new direction in my life that aligns with my values and goals. Their approach is truly holistic and community-oriented.”

Jordan M.

English Tutoring Bootcamp

Our English Tutoring Program is tailored to help you improve your English communication skills, expand career opportunities, increased a cultural understanding of the country and therefore enhanced your social connections.

What if I don't speak English at any level, can I still register?

  • Yes, please come. Our program is designed to work with you from the very beginning to intermediate level, if you wish to continue then we will still help you to be more advanced.

My schedule is pretty tight throughout the week, do you offer weekend classes as well?

  • Yes we do, register and we can communicate with you more details on the program